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We are committed to stirring the remembrances of the innate wisdom within us as a People of Spirit...  To stir the remembrances of how to live connected with nature, our partners, and our communities... To live aligned with the rhythms and cycles of life, of how to live in a sacred manner.


We believe it's every person's birthright to have a relationships with Spirit & Nature, that the ways of doings so don't belong to any single People, Group, or Culture and the means of connecting and living in sacred relationship is inherent within us.  We but need quiet our minds and listen within.


We gather as a community, honor and learn from our Elders, strive to inspire our youth, and humbly journey together as we learn how to live in greater partnership with life as it manifest around us moment by moment.


We share from the time honored traditions and wisdom of Ayurveda & Eastern Shamanism along with universal principles of living as a village, nature based wisdom, Primitive survival Techniques, and Rites of Passage practices.

Sunset in dunes

To present opportunities for others to remember the intrinsic wisdom already within them, and reveal the time-honored means of living connected with nature, ourselves, our communities… 


It’s to provide a tangible path of evolving within oneself, of inspiring a model of life where we live in partnership with the land, in harmony with others, and support one another on our personal journey with Spirit.


We translate the time honored wisdom of Ayurveda, of Shamanism, and ways of living in a sacred manner so all can access this wisdom already present within them.


We provide opportunities to gather around the fire, to gather in a sacred manner, to learn and journey as individuals and as a community as we provide hands on training, awareness development, community gatherings, and opportunities to learn, practice, and become the wisdom


Heart based community passionate about connecting with nature, the unseen spirit of things, and deepening our connection.


To live in sacred rhythm.  To experience rites of passage.  To honor as a tribe the cycles of nature.  Who dance, be in ceremony and ritual, who celebrate and are constantly learning and coming together with sacred intent.. 

The more we learn the more we recognize how much we don't know and so we are humble students where every person, tree, rock, river, and animal are our teachers

Like youth, adults today are navigating their own crisis lacking the Wisdom Elders, cultural traditions, and rituals as we make significant life stage transitions in a world that’s becoming more and more foreign and digitalized.


With the advice and guidance of native and non-native Wisdom Elders, we’ve begun restoring a renewed kind of village culture drawing from Nature Herself and modeled by earth based village societies and worldwide animistic spiritual traditions.


We share the world wide view of recognizing Nature as our teacher modeling reciprocity, community, and ways of being in the world. We’re learning how to listen and receive Her teachings first hand.


We’re weaving together wilderness activities, elder training, cultural gatherings, inner cultivation practices and ritual supporting us in remembering and living in a deeper way that feeds us.


We recognize our diversity of culture, traditions, and people is an essential ingredient in our collective healing and in growing deeper roots that will bloom our vision.


It might be said that it is our likenesses in sharing a common vision that brings us together, but it is our differences that keeps us humble, curious and receptive of each other.


Restoring the Rites of Passage for adults and youth as we navigate the cycles of life.  Restoring Village Culture that weaves us back into an intact community.





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