A Traditional Path
For 18 years, Chivito has been on a traditional learning trail. He saw how modern conventional psychology and models of healing were a significant part of the problem. So he sought out traditional Elders from intact lineages from India, Tibet, and Thailand. Recognizing his sincerity to learn and give himself over to the traditional ways of learning, they invited him in.

He lived and trained in the old ways with his teachers for over 6 years. Sleeping beneath banyans trees or on temple steps, undergoing 3 months of silence, and meditating 12 hours a day with his Babas. He drank in all they were willing to share and was blessed to undergo immersive rites of passage and initiations into particular practices and mysteries. He had the unique opportunity to work one-on-one with them guiding people through Healing, Dark Descents of Soul, Purification Rites, and Rituals.
They then instructed him to return to the U.S. to learn from Indigenous Elders and traditions and undergo traditional learning trails via vision quest, wilderness rites, and earth based etiquette.

As a professional Wilderness Rites of Passage guide, he was part of an exceptional guide team leading at-risk youth and adults through 100+ day wilderness vigils where they navigate the Dark Descent of Soul... grief, shame, guilt, stories of in-adequacy. He experienced his own transformation, healing and growth as he witnessed and played key roles in council fires, circle work, and wilderness rites as youth and adult got broken open into life again.
"You can only guide and hold space for others in proportion to the dark depths you're willing to go within yourself and bloom out of."
He now facilitates yearly Vision Quest, Shadow Guide Training, multiple yearly Rites of Passage journeys in the PNW and guides individuals through The Dark Night of Soul.

While he has many professional certifications in Depth & Archetypal Psychology, Applied Mythology, as an Ayurvedic Practitioner, in Yoga Psychology and many more, Chivito shares "It's by the grace of my teachers and lineage holders who generously shared their wisdom and guided me in my own process of healing that has enabled me to grow Tree of Totems and support our Medicine People today."​
See Testimonials Below
"There is expression vs words that are deeply felt when being guided by Chivito Cowa. I have come home to my remembering in such an intimate way that no other guide has been able to offer, until I met Chivito. I've experienced many programs (journey's rather) under his guidance and each one has unlocked doorways within my soul that I never thought possible. He truly shares from a well of wisdom and celebrates you every step of the way. Anyone looking to explore their inner and outer landscape would benefit grateful from Chivito's guidance and teachings. There is so much more I can share, but trust that you are in good hands and will be deeply grateful for the work you experience with him."
Delia Spirit Bear
"I whole-heartedly and soulfully recommend working with Chivito Cowa. He is a true gem and a living embodiment of spirit. He has a powerful, unique gift of intuiting what people are missing and deeply yearning for in today's society and is magically (I can think of no other word to describe his process) able to provide a path to reclaiming that in the form of horizontal guidance. It's a totally empowering, inspiring "we're in this together but each have our unique journey" vibe. His ability to cultivate a sangha while also providing concrete suggestions for moving through all that comes up in the soul-spelunking deep dives that you are in for when you sign up for this ride is truly saving the world by helping souls reconnect with their essence- the ultimate calling. I'm so glad I answered and got Chivito on the other end"
Laura Tousaint
"I encourage anyone who struggles to find the beauty in life to consider any of Chivito’s Courses. It is salve for your soul. The stories, the struggles, the heartbreaks, they are the medicine of your life. This was news to me. Awakening the sage within changed my life. I now have a new lens with which in interact and receive the world. Chivito is a gentle, insightful teacher and guide. He is connected with nature and ancient teaching and uses these tools to walk you inward, to find the magic that is inside of you, inside your life."
Jennifer Pledger
"I’ve been a mentee of Chivito’s for the past 14 years, and he is by far, the more impactful person I’ve had in my life. His wisdom, teachings, and writing, have helped equip me with powerful tools that shaped me into the leader I am today.
His craft is vast, his applications are enjoyable to hear/read/experience, his heart is pure, and he literally LIVES what he preaches.
Chivito is an extraordinary example of ‘how to live a life connected’. I’m so excited for him to publish, so more people may be nourished by his wisdom and all his many years’ dedication to being of service to others."
Deep Bow Chivitoji & My Deepest of Thanks!!
Niene Pugliano